Do you ofer reshelling (Ownership Transfer) of your products? How much does it cost?

Since manufacturing of full reshell for another user (Ownership Transfer) takes fair amount of work and our experience shows that, in order to maintain quality of the original product often several internal components need to be replaced with new ones, we have connected price of Ownership Transfer with price of the original monitors and it is 50% of original unit worth.

Tylko w ten sposób możemy zachować oryginalną jakość i objąć monitory pełną gwarancją.

Jak się macie?

Dziękujemy, nieźle. :)

Gdzie zrobię wyciski?

Audiolodzy profesjonalnie wykonujący wyciski pracują w praktycznie każdym punkcie protetyki słuchu (miejscu, w którym sprzedawane są aparaty słuchowe). Wystarczy odnaleźć takie miejsce i umówić się tam na wizytę. Warto pokazać tam naszą instrukcję pobierania wycisku .


How can I test your products?

Our products are available also as universal-fit demo units. You can find them at our dealers and in our headquarters.

We can lend you the demo units for a fee fully refundable at the moment of return. To arrange that please contact us via e-mail.

Which product should I choose?

If you are not sure which model to choose, please contact us. We have vast experience and will be able to give you some good advice, whether you’re an audiophile, a working musician or anybody else. But since “writing about music is like dancing about architecture”, apart from sharing tips and knowledge, we will most likely recommend you to test our products personally.

How can I order?

Select your product, choose the design and place your order. Find an audiologist, make ear impressions (remember to use our instrukcję pobierania wycisku) and send them down to our lab. Wait patiently until our courier rings your doorbell. Wow, that was easy! If you can find your country of residence in our dealers section, please contact them to arrange the ordering process

What is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything?


I am a famous musician, what can we do for each other?

High five! We’re musicians as well! At least kind of. Although not famous…

Anyway, if you’d like to endorse our monitors please drop us an email. We’ll be happy to discuss the details! And our magic crystal ball tells us that you won’t regret it.

I have a certain design in mind but didn’t find it among standard options. Can you help?

Yes, we are able to do much more than just standard. We have tons of materials that didn’t make it to our standard offer and plenty of sources offering materials you’ve been dreaming of but were too afraid to ask ;).

Please email us so we can discuss details.

Jaki jest czas wykonania personalizowanych monitorów?

Średni czas oczekiwania na monitory to ok. 3-5 tygodni (zależny od aktualnej sytuacji). Istnieje możliwość przyspieszenia wykonania (za dopłatą). Wówczas czas skraca się do 7 dni roboczych.

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