- Six balanced armature driver construction
- Four-way passive hybrid crossover
- Switchable subwoofer double driver
- Utilizing VariBore and TrueSub technology
The design goal was to create the feeling of a big, three-way far field monitor system with a regulated external subwoofer placed in a spacious, well acoustically treated room. We wanted the listener to experience everything the sound engineer had created in the recording, with a touch of top audiophile quality that would please users who avoid too technical sound but still look for real fidelity in their recordings.
In “neutral” switch position Aether maintains neutral tonality with a very slight emphasis on subwoofer lows and crispy highs. With the subwoofer driver switched up it receives a powerful and accurate punch in the lowest region, while maintaining great clarity and dynamics of both mids and an increased sparkle in highs.
Extreme sound source separation, natural width, incomparable depth.
The Switch
The switch controls the lowest bass region (below 100Hz). You can also use it to make changes depending on:
- the listening level – to make use of the Fletcher-Munson law (for lower listening levels, bass can be boosted to make it better audible)
- the level and quality of bass in the recording (if the bass is well recorded, it can increase its strength. On the other hand, if the material is not properly mixed and lows are becoming boomy and get out of control, they can be trimmed down)
- the external noise levels (if you are using your monitors in a noisy environment: airplane, subway, etc., where the low-end noise masks the lows, you might want to switch them up).